Tournament News


2025 Tournament Registration Error - Tournament Chair Message

Hello Managers & Coaches,

We acknowledge that when registration opened today at 12pm there was a technical issue preventing you from inputting your roster.  We recognized this immediately, and had a fix instituted as quickly as possible, a fix that was rolled out for all divisions at the same time.  We apologize that the registration process did not go as smoothly as we would like, and we worked as quickly as possible to resolve this issue in fairness to all people attempting to register today.

Further to this we have heard people saying that it shows there is a spot available, and then it is gone.  The demand is high for this tournament every year, and when someone adds the spot to their cart they have a time limit to complete the registration, if the time limit expires or they abandon their cart, the spot then shows as available again.  This is how online shopping for a limited inventory item works.

We regret the technical issue at start of registration today, and we acknowledge that there are some teams that are likely disappointed by this, we hate turning anyone aside.  We will take the lessons learned from today to improve the registration experience going forward.

We are a small volunteer team, working full time jobs ourselves, and doing the best we can to resolve issues as they come up.  While I do empathize with your frustrations, we did everything in our power to resolve in a timely fashion and provide fairness to all potential registrants.


Jeff McPhee

Tournament Chair

Oct 21, 2024
